The approach we are taking with our blade geometry is definitely unconventional at best. This design stems from a simpler version of Kippington Blades and utilizes specialized tooling to accomplish.

Most of the work takes place on a 2X72 belt grinder. This is a very versatile machine utilized by most custom knife makers.

To begin with we use the flat front face of the grinding surface to grind in a full distal taper. The distal taper greatly reduces the overall weight of our knives and is the foundation to the rest of the grind.

The second part of the grind is to utilize a 36” radius platen to grind the bevel on the inboard side of the blade (left side on a right handed knife or right side on a left handed knife). The purpose of this is so reduce drag as the blade moves through an ingredient.

The final step is to use a 10” contact wheel to grind a hollow on the outboard side of the blade (right side on a right handed knife or left side on a left handed knife). The purpose of this hollow is to reduce drag even further and to allow air to move in between the blade and what you are cutting. This in turn causes larger ingredients to release from the blade with ease.

The Final Result